Pour le jour plus COOL de l'année, nous unissons nos forces à celles des personnes, des gouvernements, des organisations et des entreprises du monde entier pour célébrer la grande contribution de la réfrigération à notre société.
MTH, leader in the production of industrial and commercial cold-storage doors, offers a complete range of Automation Systems for the opening and closing of sliding doors. Suitable for all door types and sizes, our systems can be installed on the wall or directly on the blade.
MTH team would like to thank you for visiting us at Euroshop 2020 in Dusseldorf.
Il team MTH desidera ringraziarvi per averci visitato a Euroshop 2020 a Dusseldorf.
Dear Customers and Partners,
Thank you for your visit in our booth at Chillventa 2018.
We hope that you have found interesting solutions for your projects.