
Monoblock MTA 2.0

Monoblocs MTA2.0 700 and MTA2.0 1400 plug-in refrigeration units for application to buffer of refrigerated cabinets.

The easy installation and the highest quality construction standards ensure a durable, innovative, technologically advanced and easy to use product.


- Application range HBP (+2°C; +8°C) MBP (- 5°C; +5°C) LBP (-18°C; -25°C)
- Natural or hot gas defrost
- High efficiency hermetic compressor
- PP base plate
- High insulation PUE evaporator case
- Water tray equipped with forced evaporation coil made of anticorrosion stainless steel
- Capillary expansion
- Working up to +40°C external temperature
- Wiring standard for all models


- Easy and fast to install
- Minimized work and cutting on cabinet
- Reduced after-sales costs
- The integrated evaporator allows more available space in the cabinet
- Base plate and hole measures for ventilation, standard for all models
- Automatic evaporating systemR290
- Two NTC probes included


- Special voltages
- Wiring kit for the connection to the cabinet’s thermostat
- EC motor fan
- Evaporator air convoyer
- Hot gas defrost available for all the models



Mta2.0 Dim


Mta2.0 Install


MTA2.0 300  

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